The Swiss Government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign
Students (FCS) is granting a limited number of scholarships to developing countries, among which Indonesia is included.
These scholarships are offered to Indonesian POSTGRADUATE students wishing to study at a Swiss university.

The aim of the scholarship is to enable grantees either to further their
education or to undertake research work in the fields in which the universities are particularly
active. The intended study should be useful for the development in Indonesia. In principle,
the scholarship holders can study at any national Swiss university or Federal Institute of
Technology. The candidates should take into account the possibilities offered by Swiss
universities. Following programs are not included in this scholarship:
1. Fine arts and music
2. Undergraduate studies
3. Hotel management studies
4. Student exchange programs
5. Part-time studies
6. On-the-job studies
7. Correspondence courses
The duration of grant is for the nine-month academic year. Under certain conditions, which
are justified by FCS and the related university, the scholarship may be renewed.
1. Indonesian citizen
2. University degree ( min. Sarjana Strata-1/bachelor degree or equivalent)
3. Candidates must be under 35 years old when applying (birth date after December 31,
4. Sufficient knowledge of one of the official languages in Switzerland (i.e. German,
French or Italian), depending on the location of chosen university, and English for
some courses. Each candidates will have to undergo a language test at the Swiss
Embassy in Jakarta in order to determine the oral and written language ability.

5. Acceptance letter from the chosen university. Before applying the candidates need to
contact the professor or direction of the postgraduate program at the chosen
educational institution in order to get a written confirmation of acceptance which must
be submitted when filing the application. The requirements to obtain the letter have to
be seen in the web site of each universities. Generally the request of the acceptance
letter must be completed with a detailed and precise plan of the intended
postgraduate study program, curriculum vitae and certified copies of the university
diplomas including academic transcripts. A certified translation is required if the
originals are not issued in English, German, French or Italian.
6. Detailed study/research plan and motivation describing clearly and precisely the aim
of study. The possibilities offered by the Swiss universities should be taken into
account, also the possibilities of professional reintegration when returning to
Application Procedure
Please note that only applicants who fulfil the above mentioned requirements can
obtain scholarship application forms which are available until October 17, 2007. To
obtain the forms, the applicants should send a brief request letter which includes this
following data and document:
1. Complete name
2. Date of birth
3. Language. Please mention one the official languages in Switzerland which you speak
fluently (German, French or Italian, depending on the location of the chosen
4. Written confirmation from professor/university in Switzerland (by e-mail or fax) stating
that your study plan is accepted and that you meet requirements and own a suitable
academic background to be accepted as a student. In order to obtain this
confirmation please contact directly the university (please take a look at the list of
Swiss universities on the web site).
5. Intended study field and university in Switzerland
6. Copy of research/study plan
7. Copy of motivation letter
8. Complete correspondence address
Please send the request by post or e-mail to the address below:
Embassy of Switzerland
Cultural Section
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. X 3/2
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Web site:
The application will be sent only by post. It must be completed and returned together with
supporting documents before October 31, 2007.
All documents must be submitted in quadruplicate (4 sets of copies). Every document set
must be prepared in following order:
1. Application form
2. Copies of secondary school certificates
3. Translation of secondary certificates
4. Copies of certificate of bachelor degree from university
5. Translation of the certificate of bachelor degree
6. Academic transcript
7. Translation of the academic transcript
8. Letters of recommendation from 2 professors/lectures in Indonesia
9. Precise and detailed plan outlining the program of the intended study or research in
10. Motivation letter
11. Curriculum vitae
12. Acceptance/confirmation letter of an institute or professor of the chosen institution
stating that your study plan is accepted and that you meet requirements and own a
suitable academic background to be accepted as a student.
13. Medical certificate (on form supplied by the Embassy)
14. Other documents (language certificates, etc.)
Photocopies of any documents such as general certificates of secondary education,
university diplomas and transcripts, language certificates, etc. have to be certified as true
copies. Certified translations into either English, German, French or Italian have to be
attached to those documents which are not originally issued in one of these languages.
Please note that only complete and orderly prepared application files will be taken into
consideration. If all requirements are fulfilled, the applicants will be selected to be invited by
the Embassy in order to take a written and oral language test, as well as a short personal
interview. In May 2008 the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS)
will announce the accepted candidatures.
Scholarship Amount
CHF 1.920,-/month for post-graduate students
CHF 1.600,-/month for the language course in Fribourg.
Please note that the scholarship recipients are exempted from the general semester fees but
NOT for certain postgraduate courses as for example MBA-programmes (which can reach
thousands of CHF). The scholarship grant covers only living expenses in Switzerland.
Therefore it is highly suggested that the applicant clarify the possibility of tuition fee
exemption directly to the university.
Travel Expenses and Insurance
Recipients from Indonesia pay their own travel expenses to Switzerland, but the Federal
Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) pays the return ticket (except for
family members). The return travel will not be offered if the grantees extend their stay in
Switzerland beyond six months after completion of their studies, or if they take up
employment or move to a third country.
Health insurance (except for dental care) and accident insurance are provided.
Obligations of a Scholarship Holder
Scholarship holders must live in Switzerland at the study place and must comply with the
laws concerning the residence of foreigners in Switzerland and the university regulations.
The scholarship holders cannot take family members to Switzerland in the first year of study
but they may visit Switzerland on their own costs as a tourist.
When accepting the scholarship, candidates may have to give their written agreement to
return to Indonesia after completion of the scholarship in Switzerland

Beasiswa DKI Jakarta


Tinggal di DKI Jakarta minimal tiga tahun
Tidak sedang berada pada semester terakhir
IPK minimal 3,00
Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari institusi lain

Berkas Kelengkapan:

Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari kelurahan
Fotokopi KTP dan kartu keluarga DKI Jakarta
DNS Semester terakhir
Fotokopi KTM
Pas foto terbaru 4x6, 2 lembar

Berkas paling lambat dikumpulkan ke PPM FISIP UI
pada 24 Agustus 2007

Program Beasiswa Baru: Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation Tingkat Sarjana (S1) Dalam Negeri 2007

Program Beasiswa
Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation
Tingkat Sarjana (S1) Dalam Negeri
Angkatan Tahun Akademis 2007

Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation menyediakan program beasiswa S1 Dalam Negeri kepada 20 (Dua puluh) anak muda Indonesia yang membutuhkan dukungan dana untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S1, memiliki prestasi akademis cemerlang dan memiliki kepribadian yang terpuji serta jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi, untuk menempuh pendidikan sarjana di bidang Teknik dan Non Teknik dan tidak termasuk Fakultas Kedokteran di universitas-universitas dalam negeri yang direkomendasikan oleh Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation untuk jangka waktu tidak lebih dari 4 (empat) tahun.


Pendaftar harus memenuhi SELURUH persyaratan berikut:
a. Warga Negara Indonesia pemegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk Bali.
b. Usia tidak lebih dari 20 tahun pada bulan Juli 2007.
c. Harus dapat membuktikan kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan sekolah, berdasarkan surat keterangan tidak mampu dan fotokopi tagihan listrik rumah.
d. Memiliki nilai UAN minimum rata-rata 7.00.
e. Pada saat pengajuan lamaran beasiswa, tidak sedang kuliah di universitas manapun dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari organisasi/institusi manapun.
f. Para finalis harus diterima di salah satu universitas yang direkomendasikan Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation (lihat daftar di bawah) pada Fakultas Teknik dan Non Teknik (hanya kelas regular) melalui jalur SPMB atau sejenis PMDK.

Beasiswa yang diberikan mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut:
(i) Biaya pendaftaran ke universitas di mana pendaftar telah diterima.
(ii) Biaya kuliah, sesuai dengan yang ditentukan oleh universitas dimana pendaftar telah di terima.
(iii) Uang saku, untuk mendukung biaya hidup selama masa kuliah.
(iv) Tunjangan buku, untuk membeli buku teks yang dibutuhkan selama masa kuliah.
(v) Tunjangan internet, agar siswa dapat memperoleh akses internet untuk keperluan pendidikan.
(vi) Tunjangan penelitian, untuk mendanai penelitian yang dilakukan pada akhir kuliah.

Daftar Universitas Negeri yang direkomendasikan Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation:

• Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung
Tel./Faks. 022-2500935

• Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Sukolilo Surabaya 60111
Tel. 031- 5994251, 5947264, 5923465, Faks. 031-5923465, 5923465

• Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia
Tel. 031-5011956, Faks. 031-5011957

• Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Tel. 0274-511035-6, 515536, 562222, Faks. 0274-564388

• Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Fakultas Teknik, Depok 16424, Indonesia
Tel. 021-7863524, Faks. 021-7863526

• Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
Jl. Dipati Ukur 35, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Tel. 022-2509585, 2513168, 2534389, Faks. 022-2509586

• Universitas Udayana, Bali
Kampus Universitas Udayana
Bukit Jimbaran - Bali

Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di situs web Sampoerna Foundation, atau dengan mengirim e-mail ke info@sampoernafoundation.orgThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .

Pendaftar harus melengkapi dan mengembalikan formulir pendaftaran berikut dokumen-dokumen pendukung ke Sampoerna Foundation selambat-lambatnya tanggal 17 Agustus 2007 (tidak berdasarkan cap pos).

Sebelum mendaftar, para calon dianjurkan untuk membaca keterangan lengkap mengenai program beasiswa tingkat sarjana (S1) Astro Asih - Sampoerna Foundation di situs

Scholarship: Eight weeks in the United States!

Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP)
Scholarship: Eight weeks in the United States!

You will be awarded a valuable opportunity to improve your English
language proficiency and learn to develop critical thinking skills
immersing yourself in the U.S. exchange experience


- you are 19 - 24 years of age, and
- you are an undergraduate student at least on the fifth
semester in any field of study from any university in Indonesia;
- you prove that you are proficient in English with a
TOEFLRITP score of 470;
- you can fully participate in an intensive academic
program in
the United States (the 1st cohort is scheduled to leave on November
2007 and will stay for two months in the United States);
- you are mature, responsible, independent, confident,
open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive.

Application Deadline: August 24, 2007

To obtain application form/to learn more about the program, contact:
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium 28th Floor, Suite B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 1 Jakarta 12980
Phone: 021 - 8317330 Fax: 021 - 8317331

Beasiswa Dinas PT.Bank Niaga Tbk.


1. Berada pada semester 5 dan 6
2. IPK minimal 3.00
3. Belum Menikah
4. Program S1 Reguler jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Komunikasi, dan Administrasi Negara
5. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan aktif berorganisasi
6. Berkelakuan Baik dan tidak terlibat dalam tindak kriminal

Berkas Kelengkapan
1. Mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa
2. Transkrip nilai IPK, 4 semester berturut-turut
3. Surat Pernyataan tidak terlibat pidana dan narkoba bermaterai
4. Surat Keterangan daru fakultas
5. Mengisi Formulir yang disediakan yang dapat diambil di Pusat Pelayanan Mahasiswa FISIP UI

Batas waktu pengumpulan berkas pada hari Kamis, 16 Agustus 2007
di Pusat Pelayanan Mahasiswa FISIP UI

Ford Foundation: International Fellowship Program

IFP menyediakan bantuan untuk studi pascasarjana (Master atau Doktoral) bagi anggota masyarakat yang kurang memiliki kesempatan untuk menempuh pendidikan tinggi, antara lain penduduk yang tinggal di daerah terpencil, masyarakat adat, masyarakat terpinggirkan, atau masyarakat yang berada di daerah konflik/pascakonflik. Kaum perempuan sangat dianjurkan untuk melamar

Ford Foundation, sebuah lembaga nirlaba yang mengabdi untuk perdamaian dunia dan kesejahteraan umat manusia, telah meluncurkan International Fellowships Program (IFP). Secara garis besar, tujuan-tujuan Ford Foundation adalah memperkuat nilai-nilai demokratis, mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan, mendukung kerjasama internasional, serta meningkatkan karya manusia.
Di Indonesia IFP dikelola oleh The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF), sebuah lembaga pendidikan nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan dan pertukaran pendidikan, serta pelatihan yang bertujuan menumbuhkan rasa saling pengertian antarbangsa.
Penerima beasiswa dapat mendaftarkan diri untuk belajar di perguruan tinggi di seluruh dunia. IFP akan membantu menempatkan mereka yang belum dapat menentukan universitas tujuan studi.
Persyaratan lainnya yang harus dipenuhi pelamar, yaitu
- telah menyelesaikan program studi Sarjana (S1) dengan prestasi yang sangat baik,
- berperan aktif dalam masyarakat atau komunitasnya,
- memiliki rencana kerja untuk menerapkan apa yang akan dipelajarinya sesuai dengan tujuan-tujuan Ford Foundation, dan
- memiliki komitmen untuk melaksanakan rencana kerja itu setelah menyelesaikan masa studinya.
Jadwal Pendaftaran dan Seleksi
IIEF menerima pendaftaran untuk beasiswa IFP sepanjang tahun.
Formulir prapendaftaran yang diterima sebelum tanggal 31 Oktober akan segera diproses.
- Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan diberikan formulir pendaftaran lengkap untuk diisi dan dikirimkan kembali ke IIEF.
- Para finalis akan dipanggil untuk diwawancarai.
- Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan pada akhir bulan Juni tahun berikutnya.
- Penerima beasiswa akan mulai menempuh program studinya pada tahun akademik berikutnya.
Formulir prapendaftaran yang diterima setelah tanggal 31 Oktober akan diproses untuk periode beasiswa tahun berikutnya.
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai IFP harap hubungi :
The Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium Lantai. 28 Suite B,
Jalan H.R.Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Tel.: 831-7330 pesawat 13 atau 17